Boulby Underground Laboratory – Live link! virtual tour

Discover STFC’s Boulby Underground Laboratory, the UK’s deep underground science facility, 1.1km beneath North Yorkshire.
Over the course of a 1-hour live link, we will be broadcasting a live, virtual tour of the lab and all its science, as well as answering questions about the experiments, what it’s like working deep underground, and more.
The Boulby Underground Laboratory team will introduce the lab’s wide variety of multidisciplinary science projects including:
- dark matter detection studies
- astrobiology
- life in low radiation investigations
- material screening suites
- Mars rover testing
- seismology
- renewable energy storage
- neutrino physics, and more.
Learn how scientists around the world try to prove one of cosmology’s greatest mysteries and search for life on Mars all in the same place…
School Date: Wednesday 5th February, 10:30am-11:30am
General Public Date: Monday 17th February, 2pm-3pm
Location: Online (schools & general public), Dundee Science Centre (general public), 14 Greenmarket, Dundee, DD1 4QB