Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science – Takeover

Join the Leverhulme Research Centre for Forensic Science from the University of Dundee for a day of investigation. On the day you will find a range of special, one-off activities relating to the world of forensic science. The activities will include some of our state of the art Virtual Reality imaging, learn how your DNA can move around, how chemistry can aid in criminal investigations and of course, collect some of your own fingerprints.
Dates: Wednesday 12th February
Location: Dundee Science Centre, 14 Greenmarket, Dundee, DD1 4QB
Booking Details: This event will be taking place in our exhibition area. Visitors who wish to take part in this activity will therefore need to purchase an admission ticket at www.dundeesciencecentre.org.uk/tickets/ for the date listed above.